Snowbee 1D Floating Spey line with its short 51ft head is perfectly balanced for Spey-casting in just about any river environment and is particularly suited for casting in small rivers where bank-side vegetation and steep-sided riverbanks severely limit the back-cast area.
UK delivery is FREE* on orders over £40 Delivery to Republic of Ireland is FREE on orders over £150 Delivery to the EU & Channel Islands is FREE on orders over £399 1D Short Head Spey Fly Line Fishing/New Products/Fly Fishing/Fly Lines/Fly Fishing/Fly Lines/Double-Handed/Speycasting/Fly Fishing/New Tackle, Clothing and Accessories/Fly Fishing/Fly Lines/Fly Fishing/Fly Lines/Double-Handed and Speycasting/Fly Fishing/Top Salmon Tackle/Fly Fishing/Ultimate Salmon Tackle5966606621170123212346841253<p>Snowbee 1D Floating Spey line with its short 51ft head is perfectly balanced for Spey-casting in just about any river environment and is particularly suited for casting in small rivers where bank-side vegetation and steep-sided riverbanks severely limit the back-cast area.</p>
<p><strong>Length:</strong> 51ft</p>
<p><strong> Colour:</strong> Ivory/Blue</p> <ul>
<li>Ideally suited to those individuals just starting to Spey cast.</li>
<li>Each line is twin coloured to help with the optimum load point for the rod.</li>
<li>Each 1D line is supplied with a specially formulated bottle of Snowbee line treatment.</li>
</ul>GBP0053453Snowbee 1D Spey Line - Short 51ft Head Ivory/Blue 8/9 - 36g62.9962.99 Line - Floating #8/953454Snowbee 1D Spey Line - Short 51ft Head Ivory/Blue 9/10 - 40g62.9962.99 Line - Floating #9/1053455Snowbee 1D Spey Line - Short 51ft Head Ivory/Blue 10/11 - 44g62.9962.99 Line - Floating #10/11SnowbeeFly Line - Floating