Super Stretch Floss (Flexi Floss) looks like floss but it stretches and feels like elastic. The stretch makes it easy to wind compact bodies under tension and it has an attractive sheen. Colours : Black, Burgundy, Dark Claret, Dark Olive, Medium Olive, Light Olive, Orange, Hot Pink, Red or White
Each sold in a bundle of 12in lengths of one colour.
UK delivery is FREE* on orders over £40 Delivery to Republic of Ireland is FREE on orders over £150 Delivery to the EU & Channel Islands is FREE on orders over £399 Super Stretch Floss Fishing/Fly Tying Materials/Fly Fishing/Fly Tying Materials/Chenille & Fritz/Fly Fishing/Fly Tying Materials and Supplies/Fly Fishing/Fly Tying Materials and Supplies/Chenille & Fritz63263612051209It looks like floss but it stretches and feels like elastic.
Various colours available<br>
Super Stretch Floss (Flexi Floss) looks like floss but it stretches and feels like elastic. <br>The stretch makes it easy to wind compact bodies under tension and it has an attractive sheen. <br>
<b>Colours</b> : Black, Burgundy, Dark Claret, Dark Olive, Medium Olive, Light Olive, Orange, Hot Pink, Red or White<br><br>Each sold in a bundle of 12in lengths of one colour.<br>GBP001989Veniards Super Stretch Floss3.193.19 MaterialBlack1995Veniards Super Stretch Floss3.693.69 MaterialOrange1991Veniards Super Stretch Floss3.193.19 MaterialRed1994Veniards Super Stretch Floss3.193.19 OliveVeniardsBody MaterialOlive1992Veniards Super Stretch Floss3.193.19 MaterialOlive1993Veniards Super Stretch Floss3.193.19 OliveVeniardsBody MaterialOlive1996Veniards Super Stretch Floss3.693.69 MaterialRed5584Veniards Super Stretch Floss3.693.69 MaterialPink1997Veniards Super Stretch Floss3.693.69 MaterialWhiteVeniardsBody Material