Tom Clinton, is our specialist in-store ‘reel doctor’ and is the first port of call for all customers with reels in need of a little TLC. You can avoid having to see him by following his advice here...
Our Fishing Manager, Nick Hart, has huge experience of all types of fly lines and in our new video series he explains how to make the correct choices for your fishing
Farlows’ Fishing Manager, Nick Hart, is rarely tempted away from his beloved West Country streams but the lure of the mayfly is sometimes too great...
The first sea trout are beginning to run so we asked Brian Fratel to reminisce upon some of his experiences of what is undoubtedly one of the most enigmatic of our species...
With the opening of a major NEW Patagonia Shop-in-Shop at Farlows of Pall Mall we caught up with their European Fishing Manager, Toni Karuvaara, to learn more about the brand and its innovative products and philosophy...