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Pike Fly Testing in Finland

Posted in: Pike Fishing
When visiting the Farlows store in London, Angus Cochrane gave me two pike flies that I could test in Finland.

To test the two flies from Farlows I went to a small lake in central Finland which is a pretty good pike area.

The conditions were quite good: Sunshine, lots of clouds, no wind and 25 deg. Celsius.

The day was as expected very hard. For good three hours not even a nibble. Then I saw a hotspot behind a large reed: Some overhanging trees and lots of small bait fish feeding. It was to far away to reach with the fly rod, so I took a spinning rod with a casting float. With them I could easily reach the hotspot, and just after a few casts I get a very agressive take on my fly. The fish was a very strong fighter and it took a good while after he was completely tired.

After several runs I could land the pike. It weighted 8,2 lb and was 34 inch long. After measuring the weight and length and taking a few pictures I checked that the pike was Ok and I released it. Unfortunately I couldn't catch another fish on that day because the conditions were quiet bad.

By Emil Elonen

The pink pike fly was the success !
2012-08-04 12:34:20
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